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Nova Cruiser Deluxe Rollator 4202

Nova Cruiser Deluxe Rollator 4202

The Cruiser Deluxe Rollator is the simple solution to increased mobility. It's a great way to make like easier for someone that tires easily or needs standing or balance assistance.

The Cruiser Deluxe is a versatile rollator-walker that combines a light-weight frame with patented "Feather Touch" hand brake system. Easy to lift and perfect for strolling outdoors. The large 8" wheels provide a nice smooth walker over rough terrain such as cracked pavement. Works great around the house and easily makes it's way through doorways since it's overall width is only 23".

Adjustable handlebars work for users 5'4" - 6' tall.

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35 Soaring Bird Court
Las Vegas, NV 89135

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